"Kiss" of imperial green color on soft green and honey Burmese jadeite bangle bracelet. Size is 60mm inside diameter, and the slender elegance of 11.5mm width make it very feminine and comfortable to wear. Icy cold to the touch. High "chime" indicates the fine grain that adds value to the jade stone. The imperial green color swirls through the honey color, and imperial green is the most highly cherished shade of green, and is reason for the higher price. Photos taken in natural outdoor light and you can see the appearance at different angles in various lighting. The jade bangle will increase in value. You can not only wear it with joy, but it will be an investment as the value will continue to increase.
The Burmese jadeite is genuine and natural grade A and purchased directly from the jade carver during a YYJ shopping trip to China near the Burma border. This is one of those jade bangle bracelets that the jade carver studied the rough stone to decide how to use the color to its best advantage, and then on an auspicious day does the jade carving.
Due to the value, this jade bangle bracelets ships to USA addresses only.
Contact yingyujade@yingyujade.com if you need to make arrangements to pay for this jade bangle bracelet.