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15 Feb '17

Ying Yu Jade Rollers are the Best You Can Buy!

Posted by Ying Yu Jade

There is so much jade for sale online.  You can't touch each piece to see what it feels like.  And Ying Yu Jade offers a guarantee that your jade item is genuine and natural jade. 

I personally traveled to the jade mines in north east China with a Chinese medicine doctor to meet with a jade carver who would make jade rollers to the doctor's specifications, the kind he uses in his Chinese medicine practice.  Our first rollers were sold online in the year 2000 and we have continued to have the carver make jade rollers for Ying Yu Jade.  My Chinese doctor friend supervises the carving, and makes suggestions on the styles of jade rollers.

We originally started selling the double ended jade roller.  They were so successful we had wholesale from spas throughout the world.  Then we got the small and medium jade rollers.  On one of my trips to China, I tried a jade roller with "needles" carved into the roller, an acu roller, and it was so helpful for me personally, I decided to sell that kind.  Jade acu rollers use more jade in the head, they are heavier, and cost more to make and ship, but those jade rollers are very popular, too.

We also sell a more heavy jade roller with stronger metal to hold the roller in place for practitioners to use.  They are very helpful for individuals who use their jade roller every day, because they hold up well.

Since the jade rollers are hand carved, and you will use them a lot, they may eventually "fall apart".   If that happens, you can make the repair easily.  The head of the roller is adjustable so you can determine the tension, and sometimes the head roller falls out, but that can be easily fixed by gently squeezing the the prongs of the metal into the jade roller.   And if the entire metal falls off from the handle, you can use superglue to get it back on.  Let it set for 24 hours and it will be as good as new.  Jade is strong and lasts a long time.

And they are often on sale in the Today's Special section.

View Ying Yu Jade Rollers collection.

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