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23 Jun '20

Ying Yu Jade is Real, Genuine and Natural Jade Purchased From Jade Carver in China

Posted by Ying Yu Jade

I often get asked by customers if the jade Chinese medicine tools, like jade rollers, jade gua sha tools is "real jade",   Earlier this month I contacted my jade carver in China because I needed more of the jade gua sha tools with comb for hair and scalp. 


My jade associate in Dandong, who is also selling the WholesaleJadeRollers, went to our jade carver Kou near Xinjiang to purchase them for me.  Here is his experience:



The path to Carver Kuo

Rough jade at the jade carvers shop



Carving begins



Rough jade not polished


Not polished
Looks much better when polished!

Purchased for Ying Yu Jade


So yes, all of our Chinese jade is genuine and natural jade.  Our jade carver knows the quality and color we want, and my associate in China chooses the best colors, most attractive jade tools for me to sell on Ying Yu Jade.   That includes Chinese jade bangle bracelets, jade pendants, jade carvings, jade rollers, and all the jade we sell.

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