YYJ Jewelery Box Collection, I purchased this jade bangle for myself because it's so "mysterious". In daylight, you can see teeny tiny green veins and soft lavender hues on what appears to be an all white jadeite bangle bracelet (now you see it). You also see a breath of soft lavender hues. Indoors and artificial lighting, this mysterious jade bangle appears an off white (now you don't). The photos were taking outdoors on a bright day in natural sunlight. The size is 55mm inside diameter, and 17mm wide "cuff style" that makes it feel like 1-2mm smaller when you put it over your hand and knuckles. Genuine natural grade A jadeite purchased directly from the jade carvers near the Burma border during my shopping trips in 2002.
This is one of the jadeite bangle bracelets I purchased for myself while shopping, but I have never worn it except for trying it on occasionally. I am very attracted to the tiny green veins the photo doesn't capture well and would spend too much time going outdoors to look at it, and play with it. It's been hoarded in my personal jewelry box, and needs a wrist, exposure to daylight, not locked away in a box in a dark drawer (the way you are supposed to store jade when you're not wearing it). I love it, and hope it gets purchased by a jade lover who will enjoy it and love it, too.