Need a high energy deep color jade bangle bracelet? This is the one for you. 59mm inside diameter, and 15mm wide. The color is deep green with veins of honey and "hong" Chinese reddish brown. Green jade is related to the liver meridian, honey and hong are related to the spleen and heart meridian, giving you yang energy and passion for life. This is a good combination for a person who has strong feelings and passion to keep that energy flowing in you.
Chinese river jade is natural color. The color comes from minerals in the river where the jade is mined. It is called "China's National Jade" and used exclusively by Chinese people until jadeite was introduced in the 19th century. It is used in Chinese medicine for health, and often worn by Chinese people as "medicine" for the healing qi energy. The jade is purchased by YYJ jade carver in China and made exclusively for YYJ.